Michael Bateman
May 29, 2021


J.R.R. Tolkien once said of a tree he easily saw while lying in bed, “It is cut down now, a less barbarous punishment for any crimes it might have been accused of, such as being large and alive. I do not think it had any friends, or any mourners, except myself and a pair of owls.” Struck me as so sad and I totally get him and you just reminded me of this.

I want also to say that Oak Trees talk to each other. No one seems to know how they do it so it might be wise to assume they are talking about us so let’s be nice people.

I just wrote a piece about Oak Trees for what it’s worth. Thanks for this.



Michael Bateman
Michael Bateman

Written by Michael Bateman

Michael lives out in the woods with a camera and a computer.

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